Brain Snacks. Appetizers. Impulses
The donkey and the carrots
Imagine - there is a donkey who loves carrots more than anything! And at the farm where he lives, there is a wonderful carrot patch. Every day the donkey inspects "his" bed and...
Start the idea generator
I sit in front of my laptop and prepare a workshop. I design. And delete again. the flow is missing. But time is pressing. In the past, despair would have spread through my mind...
Strategy or actionism?
Actually, we all know how it goes: implementation follows strategy, strategy follows vision. So like this: Before you develop a strategy for your plan, get clear about what you...
How wanting also becomes doing
Our brain loves to learn, discover new things and have fun! But it is also very clever when it comes to its comfort zone. And so it often remains with wanting and dreaming... I...
Alarm in my head
It was actually completely insignificant. A few spontaneous words to a small group of people, all were positive or at least neutral towards me. And there it was again. I felt my...